
Green Polka Dot Box

Green Polka Dot Box
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Thursday, May 2, 2013

Ground Turkey--an Unhealthy Alternative to Hamburger

Do you think ground turkey is a healthy alternative to hamburger?  Well think again – a report published by Consumer Reports showed deadly bacteria in almost all ground turkey samples .  To make matters worse, many of the bacteria found were resistant  antibiotics. Some of the samples even contained the deadly virus MRSA (methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus).

The Consumer Reports study tested for five types of bacteria within the 257 samples of ground turkey which were purchased at various stores and major retailers across the nation.  Bacteria from fecal matter was found on most of the samples, and one or more of the following types of bacteria could be found on 90% of the samples.

1. Campylobacter
2. Salmonella
3. Staphylococcus aureus
4. E. coli
5. enterocuccus

It is interesting to note that turkeys who were raised without antibiotics had less antibiotic resistant bacteria than the turkeys who received daily antibiotic dosing, a common practice by commercial turkey farms believed to promote growth.  However, even the organic and antibiotic-free samples had a high rate of bacteria contamination.
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